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In This Article:
Item Progress - Based on Percent Field Values (For Roadmunk items)
Item Progress - Based on Epic Progress (For Jira epics)
Item Progress - Based on Progress of Work Items (For Azure DevOps)
Item Progress - Based on Percent Field Values
Getting Setup
The progress of items on your roadmap can be easily measured by assigning a percentage value to your item by using a Percent Field. You can learn more about creating a Percent Field here. Once you’ve created a Percent Field, you're ready to start visualizing the progress of your items on your roadmap.
Items Table View
To setup or adjust the percentage values associated with your item in the Items Table View:
- Navigate to the Items Table view on your roadmap
- Create or locate the Percent Field you’re looking to measure item progress by
- Add or adjust percentage values to this field, as necessary
Item Card
To setup or adjust the percentage values associated with your item in the Item Card:
- Navigate to your Timeline or Swimlane view
- Click on the item you’re looking to add a value to or adjust a value on
- Once clicked, the Item Card will open with the fields listed on the right-hand side
- Navigate to your intended Percent Field, or press + Field to create a new one
- Add or adjust the value and press the blue Update button to save these changes
Visualizing Item Progress
In order to visualize your Item Progress in your roadmap:
- Navigate to either the Timeline or Swimlane View
- Click on the Format icon in the toolbar to open the Format panel
- Scroll to the Item Progress dropdown in the Format Panel
- Select the Percent Field you want to use to visualize the progress of your items
- Once selected, the roadmap will update automatically to visualize the item progress
Timeline View
Swimlane View
Item Progress - Based on Epic Progress
Through our native Jira Integration, Roadmunk users can pull the progress of their epics based on story completion and visualize that progress using the Item Progress feature in Roadmunk. Epic Progress can be calculated in one of two different ways:
Progress by Issue Count: Standard progress based on the count of completed stories in a given epic versus non-completed stories
Progress by Story Point: Weighted progress based on story point values assigned to completed stories in a given epic
Getting Setup
In order to pull the percentage values associated with your epics into Roadmunk:
- Navigate to any view on your roadmap
- Click the Integrate icon in the toolbar and select Setup Jira Integration/Modify Setup
- Navigate to the Dates & Fields tab in the Jira Integration window
- Under the Epic Progress to Sync section, select one or both "Progress by" options
- Save those details by pressing the blue Next/Update button
- Changes should be visible in the Items table view once the sync is completed
Visualizing Jira Epic Progress
In order to visualize your Item Progress in your roadmap:
- Navigate to either the Timeline or Swimlane View
- Click on the Format icon in the toolbar to open the Format panel
- Scroll to the Item Progress dropdown in the Format Panel
- Select the "Progress by" field you want to use to visualize Epic Progress
- Once selected, the roadmap will update automatically
Item Progress - Based on Progress of Work Items (For Azure DevOps)
Through our in-house Azure DevOps Integration, sync the progress of work items using the Item Progress feature. Progress can be calculated in the following ways:
Progress by Item Count: The percentage of completed versus uncompleted child items
Progress by Effort: The percentage of completed versus uncompleted child items weighted by Effort
Progress by Story Points: The percentage of completed versus uncompleted child items weighted by Story Points
Getting Setup
In order to pull the percentage values associated with your Azure DevOps information into Roadmunk:
- Navigate to any view on your roadmap
- Click the Integrations icon in the toolbar and select Setup Azure DevOps Integration/Modify Setup
- Navigate to the Select Fields tab in the Azure DevOps Integration window
- Under "Work Item Progress to Sync" section, select the desired Progress by option(s)
- Save those details by pressing the blue Next/Save button
- Changes should be visible in the Items table view once the sync is completed
Visualizing Work Item Progress
In order to visualize your work item Progress in your roadmap:
- Navigate to either the Timeline or Swimlane View
- Click on the Format icon in the toolbar to open the Format panel
- Scroll to the Item Progress dropdown in the Format Panel
- Select the "Progress by" field you want to use to visualize progress
- Once selected, the roadmap will update automatically