This step-by-step tutorial will show you how quick and easy it is to create, visualize, and share your first roadmap and then do even more, like add milestones, apply and save filters as views, and export and publish your roadmap.
In this Article:
- Step 7 - Add and Apply Filters to a View
- Step 8 - Share your Roadmap
- Step 9 - Export Roadmap Items and Milestones
- Step 10 - Export and Publish a Roadmap
Step 7 - Add and Apply Filters to a View
Filters allow you to tailor roadmap visualizations by displaying only the items that are relevant to a specific audience. Unlike items, fields, and milestones, which are shared across all of a roadmap's views, filters are applied to a specific view and saved as the view's filter set.
A view's filter set determines which roadmap items and milestones appear in the view's tables, Timelines, and Swimlanes. Any items or milestones that don't match the view's filter set are excluded from the view.
Which fields can be filtered?
Fields that can be filtered:
- Lists
- Multi-Select Lists
- Numeric
- Dates
Fields that cannot be filtered:
- Item and milestone names
- Descriptions
- Free-form fields
- Buckets
Applying filters
Filters can be applies to a view from either the Items Table or from a visualization like a Timeline or Swimlane. In order to apply a filter, find the Filters icon located at the top right of the navigation bar.
Applying a List filter
A list filter matches items with single or multiple values from a list or multi-select list.
- On the View navbar, click the Filter icon
- In the Filters panel, click Add Filter and select a list or multi-select list from the dropdown
- Select the field values you want to filter by and choose if the filter includes or does not include the field values selected
- Click the Apply Filters button
Applying a Numeric filter
A numeric filter matches items that are between, equal to, greater than, or less than a specified field value
- On the View navbar, click the Filter icon
- In the Filters panel, click Add Filter and select a numeric field from the dropdown
- Enter a number and choose if you want to filter items that are between, equal to, greater than, or less than the number provided
- Click the Apply Filters button
Applying a Date filter
There are 5 ways you can apply a date filter:
Between: Show only items with dates that fall within a certain range
Starts before: Show only items before a certain start date
Starts after: Show only items after a certain start date
Ends before: Show only items before a certain end date
Ends after: Show only items after a certain end date
- On the View navbar, click the Filter icon
- In the Filters panel, click Add Filter and select Date from the dropdown
- Select a date and choose if you want to filter items between, starting before, starting after, ending before, or ending after the date provided
- Click the Apply Filters button
View and update a view's filterset
Hovering over the Filters button with your mouse will display the number of items that have been filtered. To view or update the current filterset, click the Filters button to open the Filters panel. Here you can make any necessary changes, click the Apply Filters button once finished to apply any changes.
Remove a filter
To remove a specific filter, click the X that appears to the left of a filter in the Filters panel. Click the Apply Filters button once finished to apply any changes.
(No Value) filter
Including No Value items
By default, Roadmunk filters out items with no value in the selected filter fields. But what if you want to match items that have the selected field value(s) OR no value? This is where the (No Value) selection comes in.
For example, to include items that have a Category of Scalability or NO Category, select the (No Value) option as well as the Scalability option in the values dropdown when applying a filter from the Filters panel.
Showing ONLY No Value items
The (No Value) selection is also useful if you want to see all the items in your roadmap with any fields that are blank in order to fill in those fields. To do that, select ONLY the (No Value) option in the values dropdown when applying a filter from the Filters panel.
Adding an item to a filtered view
When adding an item to a view that has been filtered, the item will disappear out of the view by default. You have the option to assign values to the item that match the current filter set.
Copy filters to a new view
Another way to create a new view with an existing view's filter set is to create a new view, copying the filters from the existing view.
- On the Roadmap navbar, click the + View button
- In the New View dialog, select the source view in the Copy filters from ... dropdown
- Continue to create the view as you would normally
Step 8 - Share your Roadmap
One of the more powerful features of Roadmunk is the ability to share your roadmaps with members of your team, leadership, and other stakeholders.
Roadmunk gives you two options when sharing a roadmap: you can give a user Edit access, or View-Only access. Which option you choose will depend on your reason for sharing the roadmap. Do you want the person you're sharing with to collaborate on the roadmap, or do you want them to review the roadmap and provide feedback?
NOTE: You can only share a roadmap if you are the Owner.
If you want someone on your Roadmunk account to collaborate on one of your roadmaps, share the roadmap with them and give them Editor permissions. In addition to viewing and commenting, roadmap Editors can add, edit, and delete items and milestones, apply filters, and create new views.
If you want someone to be able to review your roadmap, share the roadmap with them as and give them Viewer permissions. Roadmap Viewers can view the roadmap and add comments and mentions.
Selecting the roadmap you want to share
From the Roadmap Home
1. If you are not already in the Roadmap Home, click the Home icon in the upper-left corner of the application screen.

2. In the My Roadmaps tab, select the roadmap you want to share.
3. On the roadmap toolbar, click the Share icon.
From the roadmap

1. On the Roadmap navbar, click the Share icon.
When you mouse over the item you can see how many people are already sharing the roadmap and the type of access they have.
Sharing the roadmap

1. In the Share Settings dialog, click in the Invite Users field and select the user you want to share the roadmap with. You can also start typing the user's name.
You'll see the user's name added to the Users with Access list below. You'll also see your name on the list as the roadmap's Owner.

2. In the Permissions dropdown next to the user's name, select Edit to share the roadmap as an Editor or View only to share the roadmap as a Viewer.
NOTE: If View Only is automatically selected and you can't change the selection, it means the user's role does not allow them to be an Editor.
If you want to share the roadmap with other users, add them to the list following the same steps.
3. To save the roadmap's sharing settings, click Save.
Change a user's sharing permissions
To change a user's sharing permissions to a roadmap, follow the same steps above to select the roadmap and open the Sharing Settings dialog. In the Permissions dropdown, change the selection to Edit or View only as appropriate, and then click Save.
Remove someone's sharing permissions
If you no longer want to share a roadmap with a user, follow the same steps above to select the roadmap and open the Sharing Settings dialog.
1. In the Share Settings dialog, mouse over the user's name next to the Permissions dropdown.
2. Click the X icon when it appears. The user should now be removed from the Users with Access list.
3. Click Save.
Step 9 - Export Roadmap Items and Milestones
In this section, we show you how you can export your roadmap data to a CSV file that you can import into a spreadsheet application such as Excel. Roadmap items and milestones are exported to separate CSV files.
Export items to a CSV
When exporting roadmap items to a CSV, you can choose to export all the items in the roadmap or a subset of the items in a roadmap view resulting from the view's filter set.
Exporting items from a view

1. On the Roadmap navbar, select the view with the items you want to export in the View dropdown.
2. On the View navbar, click the Export icon.
3. In the Export dropdown, click Export Items to CSV.
Export all roadmap items

1. On the Roadmap navbar, select All Data in the View dropdown.
2. On the View navbar, click the Export icon.
3. In the Export dropdown, click Export to CSV.
Export milestones to a CSV
The same as when you're exporting roadmap items, you can choose to export all the milestones in the roadmap, or a subset of the milestones in a roadmap view resulting from the view's filter set.
To export the milestones, follow the same steps above but select Export Milestones to CSV in the Export dropdown instead.
Format of the exported data
All item and milestone fields are exported as columns in the CSV using field names for the column headers. Items and milestones are exported as rows, one row per item or milestone.
When you open an item or milestone CSV, you'll see some fields that are added during the export:
Internal ID. This ID is used to match the items or milestones in Roadmunk in case you want to import the exported items back into Roadmunk after editing them in an external application.
External ID. Items or milestones in the CSV will have an External ID if they were originally imported to Roadmunk from an external application such as JIRA. The ID is used to match the items or milestones in the source application in case you want to re-import the exported items or milestones back into the source application after editing them in Roadmunk.
Source. The Source field contains the name of the roadmap from which you exported the items or milestones. This field allows you to merge and work with items or milestones from different roadmaps while still being able to separate them.
Bucket. If an item has the Date field set to a Bucket (e.g., Soon, Future) instead of an actual date or date range, the Bucket will be exported in this field and the item's Start Date and End Date fields will be empty.
Step 10 - Export and Publish a Roadmap
Export a roadmap view to PNG or HTML
Roadmunk gives you the option to export a roadmap as a PNG image or an HTML file.
What exactly is getting exported?
Before we walk you through an export, it's important to understand that what you're exporting is a roadmap view. In other words, the result of your export will be a visual of the selected view's Timeline or Swimlane displayed on your screen and reflecting the view's dataset and data pivots.
It's also important to understand that the Timeline or Swimlane you're exporting is the one you're seeing on the screen. So before going ahead with the export, make sure your Timeline or Swimlane is formatted the way you want and displaying the right data. To do this, use what you learned in Step 6. Create a Timeline visualization and Step 8, Create a Swimlane visualization.
NOTE: You will see a preview of the file before finishing the export, so you can go back to the view and make any necessary changes.
Export the view

1. On the Roadmap navbar, select the view you want to export in the View dropdown.
2. On the View navbar, select Timeline or Swimlane, depending on the type of visualization that was created for the view.
3. On the View navbar, click the Export icon and select Export to PNG, HTML, URL in the dropdown.
Exporting/Downloading as PNG
Exporting a view as a PNG image is a good choice if you want to insert the image in a printed document or to embed it in a PowerPoint or other presentation, a video, or a web page for viewing on-screen.

1. On the preview screen's top navbar, click the PNG icon.
You should see an updated preview displaying a true likeness of the image. If things don't look right to you, close the preview screen to go back to the view and make the necessary changes, then re-export.
2. On the side navbar, select the export settings that work best for your intended output: print or screen.
3. To download the exported image to your device, click the Download PNG button in the bottom of the side navbar.
Exporting/Downloading as HTML
HTML is a great choice if you want to create an interactive version of your view. Exporting to HTML creates an interactive web page with items that can be clicked to display details such as date range and pivot field values.

1. On the preview screen's top navbar, click the HTML icon.
You should see an updated preview showing what the rendered HTML file will look like on screen. If things don't look right to you, close the preview screen to go back to the view and make the necessary changes, then re-export.
2. On the side navbar, select the export settings best suited to the device(s) typically used by the target audience.
3. To download the HTML and all related files to a directory on your device, click the Download HTML button on the bottom of the side navbar.
Publish a roadmap view to a URL
Another option for sharing a roadmap view external to Roadmunk is publishing to a URL. When you publish to a URL, you create a shareable link pointing to an image of the view that is stored with your data on the Roadmunk host. Anyone with the link can view the image.
NOTE: To restrict who can access the image, you can set up a password and distribute it only to selected people.
Create a shareable URL (link)

1. On the preview screen's top navbar, click the URL icon.
2. Configure your resolution and presentation of your View.
3. Select your publishing schedule to either one once (Never), Every Hour, Every Day, Every Week, Every Month or Realtime. If Every Week or Every Month is selected then choose the exact day to update your published URL.
4. In the Publish to URL dialog, you'll see the shareable link in the Share this link field. To share the link, select, copy and paste it. To restrict access to the image, enter a Password that you can distribute only to selected people. Passwords are optional.
5. To publish the view as a URL, click Publish to URL.