Manage Roadmaps
As an Account Admin, you can manage all your organization's roadmaps in the account, not just the ones you own and share. Management of roadmaps includes:
- Renaming a roadmap
- Duplicating a roadmap
- Editing a roadmap's sharing settings
- Deleting a roadmap
You manage all roadmaps in the account from the All Roadmaps tab in your Roadmap Home.
Opening the All Roadmaps tab
1. Click the Home icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
2. On the Roadmap Home navbar, click All Roadmaps.
Renaming a roadmap
1. In the All Roadmaps tab, select the roadmap you want to rename
2. On the Roadmap toolbar, click the Edit Settings icon
3. Change the title
Duplicating a roadmap
1. In the All Roadmaps tab, select the roadmap you want to duplicate.
2. On the Roadmap toolbar, click the Duplicate icon.
3. Follow the steps in Duplicate a roadmap.
Editing a roadmap's sharing settings
1. In the All Roadmaps tab, select the roadmap whose sharing settings you want to edit.
2. On the Roadmap toolbar, click the Members icon.
3. Follow the steps in Working with Teams in Roadmaps.
Deleting a roadmap
TIP: You can select and delete more than one roadmap at a time.
- Click the Roadmunk logo in the top-left corner to pull up the Roadmaps module homepage.
- From the Archive list, select the roadmap you're looking to delete by clicking the checkbox that appears when you hover over the roadmap you're looking to delete.
- A warning message will appear on screen. If you understand the risks and are alright with deleting the roadmap, please click the Delete button to continue.
3. Follow the steps in Deleting an Archived Roadmap.
Rename Roadmaps
There are two ways to rename a roadmap: from your roadmap home and from the roadmap itself.
From your roadmap home
1. If you are not already in your roadmap home, click the Home icon on the upper-left corner of the application screen.
2. In the My Roadmaps tab, select the roadmap you want to rename.
3. On the Roadmap toolbar, click the Edit Settings icon.
TIP: If the icon is grayed-out, you don't have permission to rename the roadmap (see Who can rename a roadmap? below).
4. In the Roadmap Properties dialog, enter a new name (Title) for the roadmap.
5. Click Save.
From the roadmap
1. Click on the gear icon next to Roadmap Title
2. In the dropdown, select Edit Settings
TIP: If the selection is grayed-out, you don't have permission to rename the roadmap (see Who can rename a roadmap? below).
3. In the Roadmap Properties dialog, enter a new name (Title) for the roadmap.
4. Click Save.
Who can rename a roadmap?
You can rename a roadmap if you are the Owner or the roadmap has been shared with you as an Editor. If a roadmap has been shared with you as a Viewer, you have view-only access and can't change the roadmap's name.
To find out more about roadmap sharing and permissions, go to Working with Teams in Roadmaps
What happens when you rename a roadmap?
When you rename a roadmap, all users who share the roadmap (Editors and Viewers) will see the new name. This could cause some confusion, so we recommend that you rename a roadmap only if it's absolutely necessary.
Duplicate a Roadmap
There are two ways to duplicate a roadmap: from your Roadmap Home and from the roadmap itself.
From your roadmap home
1. If you are not already in your roadmap home, click the Home icon on the upper-left corner of the application screen.
2. In the My Roadmaps tab, select the roadmap you want to duplicate.
3. On the roadmap toolbar, click the Duplicate icon.
TIP: If the icon is grayed-out, you don't have permission to duplicate the roadmap (see Who can duplicate a roadmap? below).
4. In the Duplicate Roadmap dialog, enter a new name (Title) for the duplicate roadmap.
5. If you want copy the original roadmap's sharing settings to the new roadmap, select the Share it with the same people checkbox.
TIP: To learn more, see What happens to data and sharing settings in a duplicated roadmap? below.
6. Click Duplicate.
From the roadmap
1. On the Roadmap navbar, click to open the Roadmap dropdown.
2. In the dropdown, select Duplicate Roadmap.
TIP: If the selection is grayed-out, you don't have permission to delete the roadmap (see Who can duplicate a roadmap? below).
3. In the Duplicate Roadmap dialog, enter a new name (Title) for the duplicate roadmap.
4. If you want copy the original roadmap's sharing settings to the new roadmap, select the Share it with the same people checkbox.
TIP: To learn more, see What happens to data and sharing settings in a duplicated roadmap? below.
5. Click Duplicate.
Who can duplicate a roadmap?
You can duplicate a roadmap if you are the Owner or if the roadmap has been shared with you as an Editor. If a roadmap has been shared with you as a Viewer, you have view-only access and can't duplicate it.
TIP: To find out more about ownership of a duplicated roadmap, see What happens to data and sharing settings in a duplicated roadmap? below.
To find out more about roadmap sharing and permissions, go to Working with Teams in Roadmaps
What happens to data and sharing settings in a duplicated roadmap?
Data in the original roadmap is copied to the new roadmap as follows:
- ALL items in the roadmap
- The roadmap's views, including each view's associated visualization, filter set, and data pivots
Sharing settings
Sharing settings in the new roadmap are as follows:
- The user who duplicates a roadmap becomes the Owner of the new roadmap, regardless of whether that user was the Owner or an Editor of the original roadmap.
- If the Share it with the same people option is selected when duplicating the roadmap, the new roadmap inherits all Editors and Viewers from the original roadmap.
- If the option is NOT selected, the only user with access to the new roadmap is the Owner, as explained in item 1 above.
Archiving and Deleting Roadmaps
While not necessary in most cases, some users are required to delete roadmaps for a variety of reasons. It's worth noting that once a roadmap has been deleted, all data (including attachments, views, and roadmap-level fields) within the roadmap will be permanently lost.
There are two ways to archive and delete a roadmap: from your roadmap home and from the roadmap itself.
To archive a roadmap from the Roadmaps homepage:
- Click the Roadmunk logo in the top-left corner to pull up the Roadmaps module homepage.
- From the All Roadmaps or My Roadmaps list, select the roadmap you're looking to archive by clicking the checkbox that appears when you hover over the roadmap you're looking to archive.
- Once the checkbox is selected, a toolbar will appear in the top-right. Select the Archive option on this toolbar and a modal window will appear on the screen.
- In the modal window that appears once you click Archive Roadmap, select the yellow button in the bottom right corner of the modal to Archive the roadmap.
Once these steps have been completed, the roadmap will appear in the Archive list on your Roadmaps homepage. A toast notification should appear in the bottom corner of the screen to let you know when this process has been completed.
Archiving from Inside the Roadmap
To archive a roadmap from inside a roadmap:
- Navigate to the roadmap that you're looking to archive.
- Once inside the roadmap that you're looking to archive, click on the gear icon (⚙️) located beside the roadmap name in the top-left corner of the page.
- Once clicked, a menu will appear with the options to Edit Settings, Duplicate Roadmap, or Archive Roadmap. Select the Archive Roadmap option in this menu to begin archiving the roadmap.
- In the modal window that appears once you click Archive Roadmap, select the yellow button in the bottom right corner of the modal to Archive the roadmap.
Deleting an Archived Roadmap
- Click the Roadmunk logo in the top-left corner to pull up the Roadmaps module homepage.
- From the Archive list, select the roadmap you're looking to delete by clicking the checkbox that appears when you hover over the roadmap you're looking to delete.
- A warning message will appear on screen. If you understand the risks and are alright with deleting the roadmap, please click the Delete button to continue.
4. In the Delete this Roadmap dialog, click Delete it. To cancel the deletion, click Cancel.
A toast notification should appear in the bottom corner of the screen to let you know when this process has been completed
Who can delete a roadmap?
Only the Owner of a roadmap can delete it. Even if a roadmap has been shared with you as an Editor, you can't delete it.
To find out more about roadmap sharing and permissions, go to Working with Teams in Roadmaps
WARNING: Know what happens when you delete a roadmap
Deleting a roadmap is permanent and cannot be undone. Anything associated with the Roadmap will be deleted and cannot be restored.